
Green sauce with cheese

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This quick sauce which pairs well with carbs uses only one fresh ingredient each (plus optional cheese), all the other ingredients can be bought tinned or frozen, ready to use when you've not had time to think about going to the shops. We change the quantities of each ingredient dependent on what we have left, so the consistency is different basically every time - but that’s fine, it’s what a quick dinner should be.

Beans and greens

Green sauce

This is our go-to sauce when I crave something rich and savoury - we use this with extra cheese on top of pasta, thick-cut toast or on fried quick-cook polenta with gorgonzola. I’ve only tried this with cavolo nero or spinach, but it’ll work with similar leafy greens.

For a jam jar sized pot of sauce (15 minutes)

Boil 2 garlic cloves in salted water for 4 minutes, then add 150-200g of greens (tough stalks removed) and boil for a further 4 minutes. Pour 50ml olive oil and juice from half a lemon into a blender and add a handful of grated parmesan, pistachios (both optional) and seasoning. Use tongs to move the greens and garlic into the blender, taking some of the salted water along too. Blend until thick and creamy and slather over your favourite carb with a little more salt and a little more parmesan. In the above pic I've added fried butte rbeans in za'atar and oil.

Polenta and greens